Beavers Bend State Park: Reigniting passion

Day after the rain at the spillway Beavers Bend State Park

I have been to Beavers’ Bend on many occasions but this time with a flexible amount of time and not much planned I feel like I got to see more than usual.

I was able to enjoy photographing for the pleasure of finding out-of-the-way images. My intention was to shoot the clarity of the water and the misty diffused atmosphere of the rainy evening that we arrived.

My first project was the glistening pine needles against the darkness of the lake and the dam. I used a large aperture so I could allow for a sharp foreground and a soft unfocused background.

The most enjoyable aspect of this particular trip was shooting for a specific image that I had in mind and being able to shoot until I found the combination I was striving for.

It was cold and wet photographing in the rain but if my son didn’t mind fishing in the rain, I didn’t mind photographing.

Broken Bow Lake

I have always known that for every good shot you get, you tend to shoot large amounts of frames and this particular shoot rang true. So many images look better in the mind than in actuality and others seem to create themselves after they’ve been composed.

View from above Broken Bow Lake
Rain on the Pines
Broken Bow from the Pines


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