Book Covers and Children’s Book Illustrations are a specialty for Artbygordon. Currently there are more than 20 different books with my covers and included in that number are 5 illustrated picture books for kids.
The Scotia Cats by Fran Marian- Available on Amazon
Penelope the Pooting Spider by R.L. Clayton Available on Amazon
Get the book: The Adventures of Petey and Steven by Rita Graham
This was truly a fun project. The author had written a previous book and had images in mind-she wanted the childlike quality to the illustrations. The image of the child was my first crack and that was from the previous book she had published-in the end the drawings were all free line drawings without a lot of detail and the client was very happy with the book.

Millie Mermaid Wants to Go to School by Janet McCormick

Millie Mermaid Wants to Go to School
Much of the detail in this book was in the undersea illustrations, I really wanted to give the feeling of other worlds to the reader as I have been a scuba diver and the feeling of being down with the coral is an otherworldly experience. Characters were all created using Adobe Illustrator as well as the fish and the backgrounds were created using Adobe Photoshop.
Book Covers:
This was my first books cover for Dr. George Richter, it is still available on Amazon.
R.L. Clayton and I have been working on his series of books from his first book-Sea Species- and have since created 12 more. We have created several posters, websites and social media campaigns for his collection and he continues to write.
The Sea Species started with the Evolution Series and finished with TheGenesis and these books are intertwined with his next series-The Dead Series.

Historical fiction by R.L. Clayton
DeadSpace is the latest in the Dead Series
This is the video created by ArtbyGordon for the book cover.
To see other videos for his books
More Book Covers from other Authors
See this author’s page and find these books.
These four images are for a poet. We worked together from her photos as well as mine, she always had a great vision of what she wanted for her covers.

Whitney’s Awakening by Alexis Powers

Get the book at The Illegal Dead by L.V. Jagnow
It is all about building a relationship with an author. The ease in which I am able to create the vision the author expects grows with the relationship.
My latest two book are a book about mermaids and a book about a pig that travels to schools inspiring kids to read. It was a wonderful experience but a little daunting creating two fully illustrated children’s books at the same time.