Latest series of pastels on paper, this is a group of pastels in the last 4 years-it was from being on the road selling insurance. I noticed people outside and I captured moments that I saw.
I am in the process of doing a new series of pastels from the city.
A pastel of the beach in Florida, a family sits near the waves. My pastels are quick snapshots of experiences.
Pastels of the Ocean in Florida

A portrait of a bluejay from my backyard. I tried to capture it very quickly without much detail and I wanted it to have a feeling of being undone.
Pastels of Backyard Studies

This pastel of a man standing at the doorway of a small house in East Texas. This is from my short career selling insurance.
On the Road

This pastel is of Black fish in the Shark River Inlet-a place I used to scuba dive-if you look up from the bottom all you see is the silhouettes of the fish lit up by the moon.

An original pastel of a small pond and a gazebo somewhere in east Texas in my travels selling insurance.

Original pastel of a light at small lake in East Texas.

The porch, a quick sketch of a porch on the road, selling insurance.

A pastel of children playing in the front yard.

The walker- a quick pastel sketch of a man walking in East Texas.

Original mixed media-oil pastels, pastel brought out the flames of the yellows.

This is a sketch I created of a balcony in Florida Panhandle, notice the window is understated and allows the interior to dominate the scene.

All of these original pastels were created from the last four years of travel and are meant to be quick studies.