Book Cover: Design & Illustration for independent authors

Book Cover: Design & Illustration is one of my specialties. I create images that capture the story of the book, Customer satisfaction depends on closely working with the writer and have a small group of return customers.

This first group is by an author in Tucson name RL Clayton- check out his website-I’ve created several sites for him over the years.

Meeting the. author for the first time in 2021 in Tucson was a great experience. We both attended a book fair and am planning on attending a festival in March next year.

Book Covers: Children's Books
Book Covers: Children’s Books

Several web sites I have crafted  for this author. All of my recent book clients have been from word of mouth-it is important to build relationships with authors so we are both committed to the final product.

Book Covers: Illustration and Design
Book Covers: Graphic Novels
Book Covers: Illustration and Design
Book Covers: Illustration and Design
Book Covers: Illustration and Design
Book Covers: Illustration and Design and interior illustrations

Book Covers: Illustration and Design

Book Covers: Illustration and Design

To check out his books in the Silk Series- Check his website-I also created the website.

Book Cover: Design & Illustration –
for a Poet

Book Covers: Illustration and Design

The last four images are for a poet. We worked together from her photos as well as mine, she always had a great vision of what she wanted for her covers.

It is all about building a relationship with an author. The ease in which I am able to create the vision the author expects grows with the relationship.

My latest two book are a book about mermaids and a book about a pig that travels to schools inspiring kids to read. It was a wonderful experience but a little daunting creating two fully illustrated children’s books at the same time.

Artbygordon: Original oils on canvas, Original pastels on paper celebrating the beauty and mystery of nature. Water and night skies are my specialties.