Original Art in Pastels and Oils:
Oil on Canvas-20″x24
$1,000 unframed: Across the Water, Beaver’s Bend Oklahoma

16×20 OriginalArt: Oil on Canvas – Lake Texoma, Texas. $750 unframed. Reflections on water.

18×24 Original Art: Oil on Canvas – Turner Falls, OK $900 unframed. The depth and beauty of water.

18×24 Original Art: Oil on Canvas – Petit Jean, OK $900 unframed. Water falls, a specialty.

Original Art in Pastel and Oils by Artbygordon
I have two specialties in my original art in pastels and oils: the night sky and water. My tools are oils on canvas and Pastel on Paper. I want the viewer to feel every depth and temperature of the water.
It is not simply to capture the look but instead the feeling of the movement and the richness of colors seen with water as a magnifying aspect of a landscape.
Many of my studies have come from life study of streams and ponds. I am a kayaker and fisherman as seen in several blog posts. My view of water is from painstaking studying of multiple aspects of water.
I love the mirror that it creates of the sky and the landscape but I am very much obsessed with the depths and how the colors change, watching fish move through the shadows when I was very young also inspired me to capture that feeling.
My love of waterfalls is another view of water also how it changes and reflects the light and color. I continue to study and learn more about my subject.
Original Art: Pastel on Poster Board

For more info on kayaking and where the images start see my blog post