Artbygordon Etsy site: Nature from my garden to your desktop

My greatest love is nature, from the mysteries of the night sky to the depth and subtle movements of water, there is no greater place for me to find peace, wisdom and God.

In between time-consuming paintings and commissions, I wanted to create something that could allow friends, art enthusiasts and followers to get just a piece of nature for an affordable price.

All the images of passionvine, morning glories and other garden flowers are directly from my garden, another passion of mine.

At this time, I have 15 different species of passion flower and continue to collect them. Not always easy to get them to flower but I’m learning more about them everyday and will share all my lessons as well as the strange and beautiful flowers on the notecards.

I wanted my collectors to be able to share with their friends and family members these snapshots of nature and maybe get a glimpse into why I do what I do.

Nature is all around us, we just need to stop and notice and for me, God is in the details.