The Many Windows of Home

What do we call home? Is it the place we are most content and welcome, does its style and decor say something about who we are and when we leave our childhood home, do we ever find that same contentment? I lived in the same house for eighteen years, when I left I don’t think I ever missed the house as much as I missed the neighborhood, the landscape and obviously my friends. I moved to Texas from New Jersey and I had missed home for many years following the move but it was the landscape and the actual state more than anything else.

I have not had that feeling of being so happy to live in a place for many years. This changed when I had a family of my own, suddenly I realized during a trip back home to New Jersey that my home was actually where my family and sons were. I was in the Newark Airport and couldn’t wait to get back to my house in Texas-the ideal of home became family, where ever your loved ones are is where you live and belong.

After being divorced, my world had a strange scattered feeling of living in a house and living in a bit of interim. I’ve never felt that feeling of settling in and I almost feel since leaving home as a child I have never fully settled anywhere. Now, it’s my son and I, where ever he is for now that is my home, even though the original feeling of being safe and content isn’t the same. It’s my job to make him feel content and belong-as he grows and starts his own life, college, his own family-my idea of home will change once again.

I look forward to living in a place that feels like I belong, where contentment is just spending time enjoying my space-not sure where that will be but I figure life is a journey to learn and realize where you fit in the scope of people, places and things. Until that day, my life tends to revolve around my son and I as we explore and experience all we can with every vacation or as time allows.

Where do you consider home? Have you ever felt that feeling of settling in and making a place home. Do you think we belong a certain place and when we find it we just know it? Would love to hear your thoughts and comments.