Art Happenings Now- a page to share what is in the works- I am excited about joining Biafarin and Cafe as well to showcase my artwork. I am in the process of getting more engaged in the community and have signed up for Artist’s League of Rockwall.

I have just recently participated in the Paint Rowlett Contest and won a third place and purchase award for my laughing gulls. I have been in this competition for the last few years and have previously included sketching and oil paintings. The sketch of the horse won an honorable mention in a previous ceremony.

Painting specifically for a contest is a whole new way of creating. I love the difference in how the inspiration develops into original art.
Window of Hope 2024 Pastel on paper- 12x18To Check out the exhibition. Art Happenings Now- what is currently in process for my art, etc.
Hi all;
My artwork named ‘Rise from Turbulence: Window of Hope‘. It is now being showcased at Cancer – 2024 exhibition. A show organized by Gallerium and powered by @Biafarin platform.
To learn more, please visit:
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