Finding America II (My freedom trumps yours)

Okay, this is not going to be always about Sunday Morning, it’s going to be more about seeing the small things among us everyday and describing them right or wrong with the perspective of America, past, present and future. Please bare with me one more time in relating a story I heard on the news show.

It was about an Egyptian comedian and talk show host, a previous heart surgeon that is creating quite a stir in his land. His satire has landed him in jail, they compared him to John Stewart and while the show is based off of John Stewart’s show, the comedy and basic idea can be compared there is a difference. In America, you can say what is not popular with the government or the people and you don’t go to jail. We have freedoms here that we don’t seem to realize or appreciate. I have always said that today, freedom is an old vintage car that is in our grandfathers’ garage-it was cool once, it’s interesting but we don’t really get it or drive it anymore.

Our soldiers get it, they fight for it, they watch their brothers and sisters die for it, they go to countries that don’t have freedoms and see the hardship and tyranny firsthand-instead in America we fight against people that would wear a sign or shirt we don’t agree with, we find so many ways that our freedoms are trampled on and yet I feel we don’t have any perspective about what freedom is nor the lack of it. Unfortunately, we become the victim that we are portrayed as, we are like the reality shows that fight with another while they are in a great, free high rise and someone else just disrespected them, we need some perspective.

Freedom is something we have all taken for granted and the idea of freedom is something we have lost all perspective of. My freedom shouldn’t trump others-If I don’t like your opinion I don’t have to like it but I shouldn’t want you not to have the freedom to express it. These days, we have enough laws on the books but somewhere along the line the idea of needing to have a law to protect funerals from protests and personal attacks on the deceased was never something we ever thought we’d need. If we as people treated others with the respect and understanding we should as basic civilized people we wouldn’t need the government to keep interceding on our behalf.

We need to realize the freedoms that are inherent in living in a free country, although there are points that are lacking in America as in any country we need to enjoy and embrace what we have. We shouldn’t take for granted what we have, improvement is always necessary as we grow but we need to embrace the core values of America and realize John Stewart doesn’t go to prison for satirizing the government-we should be happy to live with the freedoms and not take them for granted.