Yesterday I enjoyed another beautiful day on one of my favorite lakes. Lake Dangerfield is a small intimate lake in East Texas, this was my second time to visit. It feels like being in the middle of the north woods, including the sound of owls in the evening and the cries of wolves at night-okay coyotes but still.
I even go the chance to see a pileated woodpecker, an osprey and other various songbirds. Being on a kayak in a place like this is like for a moment not existing and allowing nature to act as it would if you weren’t there. Recently, I have taken advantage of the silence and stopped fishing long enough to take in the beauty and calm of a pristine lake and one of my favorite places to kayak in Texas. I think this stopping and taking in the scenery has improved recent kayaking ventures as it is very hard to feel clumsy and awkward trying to fish while the wind is moving the kayak in a different direction and a tree is trying to pull you and your rods out of the boat-I’m not the most agile fisherman but this time was more calm and peaceful than many other trips I have taken.