The Beachcomber

The violence of the storm in evening

The silence and calm of the first morning light

He is the warmth and awe

In a sky full of stars

A whisper of the wind at night

There is no reward so great

Than the crisis where we rest on his awesome hand

The darkness of tragedy

Is the beautiful gift we’ll never understand

I blame him for the chaos in the stream

For the darkness after it rains

But he listens in the evening

and knows my pain….

The skies will devour our tiny cities

To show us just as small we are

Our earth beneath us quakes and takes us

But he is constant, the one amazing star

that always finds us in the evening

At our darkest hour

Holds our hand and keeps us safe

in deaths despairing hour

but he is a constant

as the tide that mars the beach with broken shells

and teaches the earth how to share

our broken souls washed up on his shore

the beachcomber is always there….

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