Belgians Of Ennis Texas: – Not far from the Sugar Ridge Winery, surrounded by fields of fragrant bluebonnets and Indian paintbrushes is a Belgian Horse Farm. A ride to see the bluebonnet trails of Ennis is not complete without stopping by to visit them.
I don’t like the word awesome but these horses are the epitome of awesome. Their size and stature, with grace and poise makes one feel a bit awkward being just human.
The light was flat as it was later in the day with a high sun and a bright sky. I wanted to capture a backlit image showing their amazing eyes and the beauty of their chestnut coat.
Two of them came to the fence while a mother and daughter feed them. The larger one I remembered from my previous visit. On this visit there were four of them and a donkey.
I hope you like the images, feel free to leave a comment. Every time I see them, I’m more impressed.