Who has the time to paint?

Who has the time for so many things creative and not? I love being a single dad and although it fills much of my time I am always able to squeeze some hour out of the day for creative release. My son being fourteen needs to have a bit of time for himself as well, so any time available must be used wisely. Luckily for me as a creative as previously mention I have a short attention span and an hour of painting is usually adequate for a day.

The thing that is interesting about the process of grabbing a bit of time for being creative is the fact that I am able to give so much more of myself after I’ve given to the creative process. It’s almost as if the slate is clean for a bit, allow some of the creative juices to flow and than I can be normal for a while without the angst to go create something.

Other places I’m able to steal time to be creative is on the road, I like to text long creative texts while I’m on the highway-I’m kidding, just wanted to make sure you were paying attention. I like to think a lot while driving and many inspirations come to me while driving. This awareness of the time is actually the state of taking time instead of letting time slip by.

This aspect of time management may seem a no-brainer but it is notable that one must cease the time they can to be creative and to live creatively. Time passes us quickly-squeeze as much life and creativity out of every bit. How do readers like to steal those moments of being creative? What time of day are you most creative and are able to save time to paint? Would love some comments. Thanks
for reading.

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