The WInter Garden

Artbygordon 2020

Hope Amidst the Weeds

If you saw my garden you wouldn’t think much of it, it’s not contained, manicured, you might even call it a jungle of weeds.

Every plant I grow has a purpose for some species of wildlife. Every year I get closer to a more perfected garden but through the summer heat, I lose time or interest and it becomes an overgrown mess again.

Artbygordon 2020

This year, I am going back to the basics, raised beds, the usual plants but less of them.

I see so many connections between life and a garden, there are seasons for everything. So many wisdoms come out of the dirt-last years dead leaves are food for tomorrow’s plants.

Artbygordon 2020

Every plant has a purpose and a time for everything and they compete for their own space in a garden, their own voice-whether it be the nectar they supply pollinators or the purpose they serve in changing the soil.

We could learn a lot from a garden-we all have purpose, with patience and the tenacity of a petulant weed-we must wait painstakingly forging our place in this garden until the garden becomes us.

Every dead shoot holds the possibility for something tomorrow, I see possibilities in every season. So much about myself I’ve learned from gardening.

Artbygordon 2020