Tag Archives: surrealistic

Art Tells A Story

Art – an Emotional Response

House in Sachse 2018
House in Sachse 2018

Art Tells a Story – Surrealism

For many years I have worked to paint realistically so I could eventually bend it even just a bit. My paintings have an underlying theme of darkness, loneliness and separation.

Moon Flower-Oil on Canvas
Moon Flower Oil on canvas 2018

It is intentional creating a feeling or emotion in art but just like creating words if the creative thinks of what they want to say the logical mind supersedes and all nuance is lost.

My Experimentation isn’t as much with painting as it is with writing for example, the use of music to separate the logic from the creative word. I have listened to music in the background that definitely affected the finished artwork but it was never specifically intentional.

Art from Dreams

I had a dream when I was very young- this is my grandfather and lightning hit the tree. Pops-as we called him-came out of the sawdust in a red flannel shirt. There was something ominous about this particular dream because one day long after the dream a lighting hit the willow in our backyard. This is the same willow in the Child of Ten painting below.

This post is about paintings that tell a story. I have often avoided this kind of art because I prefer to let the viewer make their own conclusions or stories from their own experiences.

I started the painting,  Child of Ten-several months before it was complete because the inspiration had to develop over time.

Child of Ten
Child of Ten- the death of my father inspired this painting

In this painting there is a recurring theme that I’ve included in many of my paintings: the blackbirds. The viewer goes into the ground and even into the casket to see a mirror of myself and how his death affected me and also that a large part of my childhood rests with him. The egg is a symbol of the soul, the moth is the death moth and a connection to nature. There are poems included in the right side and other symbols of the feeling of loss and a struggle with his absence. The tree behind the child is the Willow Tree in my backyard in an idyllic landscape a stark contrast to the depths of the grave.

Art and Recurring Themes: Blackbirds

My writing is inspired by loss. Losing a parent at an early age probably made me more of a poet or writer than I would have been otherwise:  it is changed me greatly.

In the family plot all are the same

from who they were or when they came.

A pine box but no words etched.

Only a presence we can’t forget.

A whisper and the wind lifts

an ember to a light place in the night sky

The poet, the writer, passes by…

The blackbirds make their appearance. I always have that haunted feeling when it comes to loss, death as growing up I realized darkness just as clearly and beautifully as light.

Grackles on a wire
Original Oil on canvas: The Grackles

These paintings were foreshadowed in a post back in 2018 on an original blog I had started. It describes the Child of Ten as well as several other paintings that finally came to be and it was on draft since 2018.

Art- a Story While Scuba Diving

A painting and a sketch of the black fish at Shark River Inlet. I mentioned this art in the post from 2018.

For more pastels from this series go to the blog-it is the original  blog

Art for a Contest About Fighting Cancer

A recent pastel on Paper Window of Hope created for Cancer Art Contest from Biafarin

Window of Hope 2024 Pastel on paper- 12×18


Artist on the Edge of Surreal: Exploring Darker Moments

Depression: An Emotional Storm

My intention has always been to create art that was realistic and once I attained a certain skill level I would just tweak reality, just enough to make the viewer a little off kilter.

It probably stems from years of depression which, although is part of the creative process, also makes the person feel off center. The paintings that approach surreal are a bit more dark but nothing too obvious.

Moonflower is a painting of the morning glories, moon flowers, which only bloom at night. I wanted to share a bit of the darkness and mystery of evening but I wanted the flowers to have a bit of a magical feeling to them.

The willow tree is a tree from my youth. It makes it into most of my paintings and is a bit of a symbol of time spent in New Jersey. The dark green lawn in the summer beneath the shadows of tall dark willow trees.

The same trees were struck by lightning and ended up becoming outdoor furniture where many of my very old poems were written on copied on.

The Grackles 2018

Blackbirds are a consistent subject in both my paintings and writing. They are mysterious as the night sky and symbolic of impending doom.

Halloween 2016

Alone in Wylie

Halloween 2016

Halloween has always been a subject as every year I see a different feeling to capture. I love the dark evening and the idea of goblins in the trees, I have always been a big fan of horror movies and my uncle used to buy my brother and I horror comic books and the feeling and thrill of being scared has continued through my writing and painting.

Child of Ten

Child of ten is a diary of sorts, my dad died when I was ten. This is a painting of the effects of losing a parent at the age of ten. There are many symbols including the egg which represents the soul. Again the blackbirds are in the field and the child watches the future unfold.

The death of my father was a catalyst for much of my earlier writing and has only recently shown up in paintings.

Grandfather’s Willow

This painting is from a dream when I was very young. My grandfather came out of a willow tree as the lightning hit the tree. The red flannel shirt is from the dream and I remembered the shattered bits of wood-I am planning on another attempt at this painting as the face wasn’t quite correct.

Many older painting ideas are now resurfacing as I begin to gain more confidence. I plan on creating a more concise series on the surreal side.