What else do I need to know?

This is a rant I guess you would say. My first question is when did we as a society become young helpless children that are feed what we need to know, told what to eat, told what we should be afraid of and how we should feed our kids and talk to our kids-there is this unknown adult that is always in our homes and on our  computers that talk to us much like the old teacher in the charlie brown cartoons. We are talked down to, treated like we are stupid, third class citizens all with a smile from beautiful people that assume we wish we were them.

The media, some celebrities and the government seem to have created this overblown image of themselves that seem to think their job is to help us make good decisions. We are told how we should feed our kids and what food is bad for them-who would have thought eating Mcdonalds all the time would be harmful to our children or ourselves for that matter-do we need to be protected from them? The government seems to think they are our stewards, they can’t take care of their own lives and keep themselves on the straight and narrow but they need to talk to us about how we live. Somehow we have inadvertently created a ruling class, a cancer that keeps itself in charge of us children.

I heard a radio commercial about drugs the other day-the other option was ridiculous even though it explained what the government has been saying for years-just say no but than it said go to the website to find out how to talk to your kids about drugs. Do we not have any common sense, do we not have friends or family that know us better and can give us options better than some government entity. We are advertised to and steered in the right direction, this week the stock market is a no-brainer next week-don’t waste your time with the stock market all under the guise of this company really caring. Buy gold-buy it now-what do they expect to be paid for that gold the same dollar that they are saying is history-they care that much about us that they will take our bad money so we can have gold-I’m a little skeptical.

The media, I guess it would be considered our big brother or sister-it tells us that all the things we thought might be safe are now dangerous. We shouldn’t leave our kids in cars in the summer? Wow, I am so glad they are here to help us with raising our kids, of course you never hear about their kids or their daily family traumas. I think we are shown too much bad news, we constantly have a neighbor looking out the window or over our shoulder and the news is never good-we are moths to the flame-interested and yet the flame burns us. Somewhere along the way all of these entities have grown to a level of a royalty that tends to make us little people pale in comparison-or so they would have us think.

The last entity is the celebrity-granted not all celebrities but definitely a large cross section act like they are Gods and the media treats them as such. Did you hear what Madonna said, did you see Kim’s new dress? We shouldn’t care but I guess we do because the television shows keep coming so we can see a family spend their daily lives. So here is the problem and it makes me wonder-maybe it is us, maybe they didn’t assume we were these needy children, maybe we’ve become the needy children after all. We are curios about car wrecks, some of us wan to know what the celebrities are wearing and some of us don’t realize it’s not good to eat too much fast food and we get a lawyer to blame another entity because it couldn’t possibly be our lack of judgement.

So enough of this rant-what is missing in our society that would replace these entities that treat us like children-I believe it’s one word-community. A self contained group of people that live together, learn together and share eachothers’ experiences, make stupid mistakes, feed our children questionable food choices and don’t do everything well-it’s the community, the people we care about and have grown up with that should help us with making good decisions and help us to learn how to be better people and better parents-not the overbearing government, the condescending media or the self involved celebrity-
we’re the only ones that can change our choice of role models and mentors-until we do, there’ll be television to teach our children and the media to tell us how to eat.